Sadly beautiful Nari passed away
9 May 24 at 5:30
She was such a kind sweet cat and this side of the house feels so empty now.
Below is a collection of photos from Oregon to Virginia.

10 May 24
Man this is brutal.
Spent all morning getting all Nari's blankets and towels washed, etc.
Wee thing could generate a lot of laundry.
Right now I can't sit on her side of the house without crying.
So on the other side and Nurse Rose kitty, keeps washing my face.
Put some Peonies on Nari's grave next to the young Japanese Cherry Tree you can see in the foreground in the second photo. The tiny bright pink peony flower in the middle is special, as this is the first time in 8+ years it has bloomed.
Reason I picked there, is because in Oregon we had mature Japanese flowering cherry trees and every spring Nari would pounce and dance around in the petals that drifted to the ground.
Plan on buying some pretty rocks to go around her spot sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Will finish cleaning the other stuff like her litter box and move that out tomorrow.
******Added: Finally able to go out early this morning while it was still cool out.
Put the rest of the soil over Nari's grave and added some mulch and more Peony flowers.
Want to get a cap stone to put over it, to protect that area and some rocks around that.
Started on Nari's pen and ink.
I am very rusty.
Blocked in with pencil , now slowly blocking in with a light amount of ink.
It is a massive challenge, between eyesight issues and my right hand.
But I am going to do this no matter what and no matter how long it takes.

New tradition~
Normally every evening I sat with Nari for hour to hour and a half, in addition of being with her through out the day.
But bed time was always special.
Now, I am spending Nari's hour+, watching Big Bang Theory and work on her painting.
Still very slowly blocking in with pencil and ink.
This along with putting fresh flowers on her grave everyday is helping.