Sunday, January 24, 2016

Yup, lots of SNOW ~

 Okie dokie....
 this is officially the most snow I have seen since 
I moved here. 
You have to shovel to get any where.

Also very glad, DH and DS are home.... would of taken me half the day to feed and water everyone.

Icelandic's are super happy. LOL

 The snow drifts in the round pen, would be at least to my arm pits.

Very glad the wind scrubbed in front of the hay shed, other wise, that would of been a bear.

 Getting to Maggie was really hard, most places I walked, snow was over my boots. Maggie's gate, I couldn't get it open, but since it is a self gate, was able to bend it so I could squeeze in. She was ok.. still had plenty of food and water.

 Glad we have a good snow shovel... DS digging out a much needed path from the hay shed to the main horse pasture.
Thank you DS!

  The horses and animals packed the snow down around their shed. Less work there.

DH will try to get the long driveway opened up to the road.
The plows finally came through, and the snow is piled up at the end of the drive,... would say.. at least to my arm pits. Should be fun.

Wee bit of snow piled up, as DH tries to get in front of the garage doors cleared.

DH trying to get to the road.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snow ~

 Mostly taken from inside, hard to see how deep. 
Depending on where the snow was blown around.... any where from 5" from where the wind has blown it away to nearly 16" as per my boots.
Some of the area's the wind hasn't gotten too is about 20"... which meant snow inside my boot.

(now compared to Donner Lake, CA, NH, even some years in Oregon... this is nothing.)
Though I might revise that, if we get the another 12" of new snow today, the News Channels, are saying we should get in this area.

And a little later in the day, snow getting much heavier.

If this keeps up, this will be the most snow I have dealt with in this State.
Is over the tops of my farm boots.
That and the very high winds make it tough going.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Eggs ~

Beautiful color eggs.
On the left, we have a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana egg, in a deep turquoise color and 
to the right, is a blue/blue egg from my 
Crested Creole Legbars.


Chicks have been moved into the Play Pen ~

 First batch of chicks have out grown the guest bathroom.
OK, should say the Silkies are massive, and that's the reason they had to move out.
Normally I would have them out of the house well before now, anyway.
But with the cold weather... haven't been able too.

So the playpen is back up and now they are in the living room.
Silkies, couple of d'Uccles and my White Quail d'Anvers.

I do have 4 more smaller chicks in one of the bedrooms and I have more in an incubator due to hatch out in 10 days or so.

 Belgian d'Uccle Bantam.... with some wild colors going on.
Very friendly too.

Propagating plants ~

First snow of the season... so what do I do?
 Well, I decided to try propagating a Parlor Palm, the Ficus and a Jasmine I have in the house.

Keeping my fingers crossed, in a few weeks I will 
see some roots.

Hopefully, I will get my green thumb back.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Meneries and Tinnitus !

Close, mine can vary from a little lower, to a little higher... some times it does weird tones. 
Mostly the right ear ...for now.
Its 24/7.

Why I can't handle even the most simple, every day noise... 
and loud noises are just painful..

Meneires is not deadly, but it will change your life.

Newest chicks ~

 First batch of blk chicks and the latest hatch from the 
white Ameraucana bantam hens and Belgian d'Anver roosters. 
5 black chicks in all.

Hatched only the clearest, very blue eggs.

One of the mothers.
 Excuse the dirty beard, gave them messy treats earlier.

You can get black chicks from a white parent that has a recessive white gene, and another parent that has come kind of color.
You will always end up with black chicks.

Just had two more White Quail d'Anver hatch the last couple of days..
from a different area of the property.
Different parents from the Blacks.

There is one d'Uccle in there, can see with the off color.

 These are the ones I had under the broody Welsummer hen.
But I had to take the unhatched eggs away from her, because the one egg she hatched, she killed the chick.
She has now been double banded, so I know she can't be trusted with chicks.

White Quail chicks are growing up

White Quail d'Anver chicks are growing up and getting 
their first feathers.

About half are roosters again, but I found an auction house I can take them and plan
 on doing that next month.
I really need a grow out pen for roosters... or some place I can put them until I find them homes.
Rose sitting on my lap, while I watch the chicks.
She has been very good about it.

The gawky pre teen chick stage. LOL

Bread ~

I "think" I figured out what I need to do with my bread to get it to rise like it did in the Pacific NW.
I added one small Bantam egg for the first time. 
Seemed to make a difference.
Hamburger buns, are a normal size!! Yes!!

Think I will have hamburgers for dinner tonight. 

First Blue eggs

This Cream Crested Legbar pullet, is a little dark for the standard
but she is the one that laid the first blue, blue egg.
Two small eggs at first and now her first large blue egg.
The brown egg next to the blue eggs is from a Welsummer.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Me and a Pullet ~

DH took this photo of me, sitting with Buttercup, ,
 on my lap.
(Buttercup is one of my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana pullets)
She loves sitting with me, and talks about her day.

Everyone else moved on, after all the treats were gone.
Man, my hair is getting grey.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Apple Cinnamon Cake ~

Apple Cinnamon Cake....    
I did it a bit different and stuffed it in one cake pan. 
 My cake pan was bigger than what was called for.

Supposed to have caramel sauce to go with it..... 
 but it should taste good without it.
For the recipe...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

First Belgian d'Uccle chick !!

Just got back in from doing outside chores and too my surprise... the Marans hen must of been hiding this one.
 Feel guilty taking all her chicks away... but there is too much of a size difference between her and the tiny bantam chicks.

This spring, if she goes broody again, will give her some full sized eggs to hatch out and raise.

First d'Uccle chick, pretty sure from my Buff hen.
 Time will tell for sure though, once it feathers out.

Hatching eggs during winter ~

 Was going to take a break from hatching chicks during this winter.
d'Anver Hens kept laying tiny eggs and well....
I couldn't help myself, I put them in the Incubator.
As the parents are so young, wasn't sure any of them would hatch.
This is the first one to make its appearance.

Above is the White Quail d'Anver chick, now up to 8 of them.

 Brought 5 grey Silkie chicks home the other night.

The other two are White Quail d'Anvers, the d'Anvers were hatched on the 11th, the Silkies in the 14th, if I remember correctly.

Hoping for a couple, future, broody Silkie hens, so
they , can raise the babies, outside.

These chicks will have to stay indoors until fully feathered...
Makes it a little easier when they are tiny bantams.

Bit of a hair cut!

Am getting older, hair very thin compared how thick it used to be.

So I decided to cut it myself... maybe not the best idea in the world.  Watched some video on how to cut bangs.. did the ponytail trick to shorten my
hair with layers.
Having Meniere's can be a pain some times... makes going to a salon impossible.

Rose saw me trying to take a selfie... which I am horrible at.
She grabbed my hand with the kindle with her paw and brought it over. LOL
Talking to me the whole time. She is silly.

Need to style my hair a bit, forgot about my cowlick...
when I did the bangs...   it will grow out.
Just washed it, so it isn't dry.

Haven't had bangs for goodness.. what... 26++ years.
Can also style it off to the side, which I think looks better.

Thinking I might cut the longer parts shorter.

Will be interesting to see if my hair gets even more wavy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Mom made me a Scarf from my Yarn

 This is the beautiful Scarf my Mother made me.

 From the yarn I hand spun.

Now that Rose has grown up, I can again spin in the
 front room.
This is what I am working on right now,
 a super soft, Blue Faced Leicester.
In a off white, silver, soft tans and browns. Will make a nice
heathered look, once knitted into something.

I bought a couple of polyester pillows from Zazzle 
when they had their 1/2 off sale.
Both pillows have my Art on them.
Using this one for back support when I am spinning yarn
 and it is working perfectly.