Saturday, August 1, 2015

Wheaten Ameraucana's ~

 Update on my Wheaten's.....
Think the last time I posted about them, they were
fluffy baby chicks.
I think they are blue Wheaten Ameraucana?
Or is it just first feather coloring?
Either way, I don't care.
In the group shots, can see a big difference between the two Roosters and the Hens.
They are really friendly too. LOL  Very helpful with everything I do.

Roosters have the dark blue feathers and the Pullets are the light colored ones.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

New Belgian d'Anver bantam pullets~

This is what greets me every time I step into the Bantam shed.

They are a combo of my full sized Wheaten Ameraucana chicks, the white and 
Lavender Ameraucana bantams, and some d'Anver bantams.
DH and DS helped me put a small hen house yard up, this morning for the Bantam shed, so they have a little more room.

The new Belgian d'Anver Pullets.  
They figured out the frozen water jugs right quick!
Heat index of 111* today.

Not quite sure about things but doing well.

2 Blue hens,  1 Blue Quail pullet, 1 Golden Neck pullet and Millie pullet.
The Blue hens are a little older, so their muff and beards are much fuller.
Is really nice to have a few more hens... now I am up to 10.

Blue hen right, Blue Quail middle front, Golden Neck back left, Millie on the left.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Quantico 4th of July Fireworks

I had stopped going to fireworks many, many years ago, after a father let his son, throw fireworks under the engine of my car.

People had no idea of safety, or manners for that matter.

But last night we went to Quantico.  
So we would not have to deal with civilians and their lack of manners.

The Fireworks were not the most fancy, but they were really nice, people where very polite and we were quite close.
Enjoyed it a lot.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Lots of Chicken photos ~

These Cream Legbars,
just about dropped into my lap and I couldn't pass them up.
They are full sized chickens and 
will lay a nice blue egg when older.

These are the last chicks of the year.

This is my Millie Fleur Belgian d'Anver Bantam Rooster, hatched out I think in April.

Quail Belgian d'Anver Bantam Rooster,  if he stays nice, will be keeping him.

Need to get an updated photo of the Full sized 
Wheaten Ameraucana chicks...
the one above is a hen.

Above is a Lavender Belgian d'Anver Bantam Rooster, 
who has the teen-aged scruffy look right now.

A very sweet  Millie Fleur Belgian d'Anver Pullet, 
still getting her adult feathers in. 

A Quail Belgian d'Anver Pullet.

One of the Lavenders from my stock, bantam sized.  
She loves perching on my arm or hand. 
She is a very pretty and very shinny platinum color.

The other Millie Fleur Belgian d'Anver pullet.

Smithsonian Fine Art Museum

Yesterday we decided to go to the Smithsonian Fine Art Museum.

The older part of the Museum was very interesting,  both with the use of the building materials and that Pres Lincoln walked these halls.

Walls, ceilings,,, everything quite unique.

DH reading up on a painting.

Beautiful Stained glass windows.

DS enjoying the museum too.
There were a few old patient pieces that were very cool, not as many as I was expecting to see.
Only able to see half of the museum, as we ran out of time.Do plan on going back some time in the future.

It wasn't a bad museum, but , to us anyway, we like the National Gallery better.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Expanded Maggie's Paddock ~

Maggie has been very sick, she has Cushings, is IR
 and has foundered.
I put her in a very restricted area to keep her off anything green.She will never be allow on green grass again.

Expanded Maggie's Paddock today.

Now is 48'+ by 20' wide... a lot more area for her to walk.

I originally wanted to do the whole sheep pasture for her, 
and tried, 
as you can see in the photos... 
but the grass and clover keep fighting back in areas.
So I will expand in stages.
Using the round pen panels (hate loosing the round pen but needs must), to make Maggie's larger paddock.
Along the outer fencing line, of the sheep pasture, I am growing some Rugsa Roses, will be future wind breaks.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Ayer Pear Tree~

Is safe to say, I think we will have a few pears from this tree this year.
Going to have to thin them down a bit before the fruit
pulls down the branches any more than they are.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Wheaten Ameraucana Chicks have hatched~

I had 9 of the large Wheaten Ameraucana chicks hatch so far... only 8 are alive right now.
Kat sent me 14 eggs. So not a bad hatch so far.
Maran hen kept loosing track of the chicks, so I just brought them into the house.
Not that I really have room with all the bantams, brooding in the house already...
Really did not want to take a chance loosing any more.
The SS hen, still has some eggs under her, and if more chicks hatch, will bring them into the house too.
Maybe when I am better set up, will try to have the broody hens raise them.
They are as big as the bantams that hatched in May, so they should do ok.
Have them in their own little box for a couple of days, then I will move them in with the bantams

These will be Blue egg layers when the grow up.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sid the goat and an Ameraucana Bantam ~

Thought this was a peaceful looking scene, so I took at photo.
This is Sid the miniature goat and one of the 
Ameraucana Bantam
 hens, before I sold them.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Behold, More chicks ~~

Behold... more chicks. LOL
The tiny grey and yellow fluff balls are the Ameraucana bantams..

Had ordered just the Lavender Ameraucana's,
but the hatch rate at the breeders isn't very good this year.
So I gave the go ahead to add the white Ameraucana bantams to make up the order.

The lavenders have a wonderful gentle temperament, I hope the white ones do too.

Should get some light blue eggs by this coming Autumn.

French Crab Apple tree ~

As you know, the Cherry tree DH planted in this area, died last year due to the hail storm with the fist sized hail.

This is the free replacement tree I ended up with.

Supposed to be a very hardy Crab Apple tree,  

Is called the, French Everest.

Should be pretty, in the future provide shade for the hen house yard and treats for the chickens.

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Hills in VA ~

Click on the photos to see a larger version.

We decided to take a break yesterday and drive up to the Hills...
Got up to 3,600ft if I remember correctly.

Was really nice to be up in some hills...

Even saw some stone and rocks! 

...Even if the trees look really weird. LOL 
Felt like I was in an Anne McCaffery novel.

Another panoramic view... 
think this is the best way to show the scale...

Not very many flowers here, but DH took a photo of one.

Tons of bugs... and they all liked me. :P

Only two picnic areas in this stretch.... 

which kind'a surprised me..
Used to the Pacific NW,, where there are tons of nice areas for picnics.
And, not so many people.