Monday, October 5, 2015

Blue Wheaten Ameraucana and Crested Cream Legbar chickens ~

They are growing up fast. Above is Buttercup, 
who wants a treat.
Her and the Pullet below are a
Blue Wheaten Ameraucana.

One of two Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Roosters... this one is called Broken Toe.

 Group shot. Raising the Legbars and Ameraucana's together, so they will all get along this winter.

Next spring, each breed will go into their own pasture, to make sure I have pure bred offspring.

Many trying to take a dust bath, in one spot.

Their area, used to be thick with grass.. they pretty much ate and stomped it all to death.

Dust bath in sand and alfalfa chop.

Yes, even though they will be a full sized chicken, then can fly rather well.

Photos above and below are Legbars.

One of the two Legbar Roosters that made the cut.

The BW Ameraucana's are sweet and gentle... 
the Legbars... sweet, and roudy. LOL 
Both breeds are a lot of fun.

The Fawn ~

Late April early May, a tiny fawn showed up.
Saw the mother for the first month, but never again. 

Fawn was too small to jump the fencing she is in.
She/he has grown slowly, and still has spots, far longer than normal.
She is always in that front pasture.

I don't mind having the fawn up there, but the way the hunters are around here,
opening fencing, shooting guns on our property, and some times at me and causing a lot of problems...

Good thing we now have a lot of game cameras up.
Because the local police has made it clear they can't be trusted to follow State law.
Anyone caught on camera doing any harm to my place or livestock any more...
I will be sending the photos and a letter to the,
                        State Attorney Generals office.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Maggie is doing a lot better ~

 Am sooo happy Maggie is doing better.

 Need to enlarge her wee paddock, was going to do it last weekend but too sick.
She is feeling well enough to pace along her fence.
So this coming weekend, should be well enough to work on it.

Finally got around to taking a photo of Maggie in her shed.
Was to be the sheep shed for the sheep pasture.... but Maggie needed it more.
 And Miss Maggie, is happily dumping her breakfast all over the stall mats. :P

 I used to keep Maggie's mane roached, as we drove quite often.
Since she has been sick, let it grow out again. However this time, decided to train it to be a split mane.
As her mane is super, super thick and gets really long.

Bantams are growing up ~

Bantams are growing up.
Above, couple of the White Ameraucana bantams.

Below, the white AM bantams, a Lavender AM, one of my lavenders.

Beautiful Golden Neck d'Anver pullet.

And below, what always greets me, when I am in their area. LOL
hard to get anything done.
Quail d'Anver Pullet, seeing if I have any more treats.

Makes you wonder what they are talking about. LOL

My beautiful White Quail d'Anver Roosters.
Decided I am going to work on that color.
GoldenNeck pullet in front.

One of my Lavenders.

DS holding Bridgett, the Mille Fleur d'Anver Pullet. 

Claude the Mille Fleur and Remi a quail color, 
both d'Anver Roosters.

Below a beautiful blue d'Anver pullet and a Quail pullet.

Really enjoy my bantams!

Couple of foggy mornings ~

Had a couple of slightly cooler and foggy mornings.
Couldn't see the neighbors, which I loved!

Day at the DC Zoo ~

 DS wanted to go to the DC Zoo for his birthday.

Last time it was winter and barely any people there.
Not so this time... my goodness...  it was well... a Zoo!
Way to many people.
Also managed to get the last Scooter.

DS enjoying the Birds.  
I would love to have an aviary like this.

This photo was taken indoors, with a weird black netting in front.
Surprised it came out.

Peacock found a childs cracker by my scooter, poor thing thought I was was the one with the treats...
He was trying to sweet talk me into more.

For being the Nations Zoo, they are far behind other Zoo's like San Diego... even the Tacoma Zoo in WA.

Another thing I saw... 
 I was the only one with a re-useable water bottle.

Everyone else, ok, all the adults I saw, bought bottled water.
In the NW where I went, everyone had re-useable water bottles.
I did get a lot of people looking at me, every time I used my water bottle.
Hope I got a few thinking. 
Its a little thing to do, to help save our planet.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Blue Berry muffins ~

Decided to bake, since it is too hot out side to do anything.
 Blue Berry Muffins with sheep yogurt......
Blue Berries are from Oregon.

They look orangish because of the bright orange yokes my free range chickens produce.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Chicken Update ~

The Blue Wheaten Ameraucana's are slowly growing up.
Above is a Rooster.
Below, Roosters an Pullets.

I moved them in with the Crested Cream Legbars, as I want to raise them together.

One Crested Cream Legbar,  seeing what is up my pant leg. LOL

All have top knots... 

I have never had a breed like the CC Legbars.  
Is like a Three ring circus .. LOL... 
I can't feed, without one crawling up my body to sit on my hat, have one hanging off my hair, two on my arm and I look.. two materialized into the food bucket I am carrying. 

Trying to just to pour the food into their feeder... wooo boy....

DS loves them of course.

Below are my very small d'Anver Bantams, 2 very nice d'Uccle Roosters and a few white and lavender Ameraucana bantams.
Will only be raising the d'Anvers and d'Uccles next year.

Dexter, is going to be a super, nice Golden Neck d'Uccle. Will pair him
with the d'Uccle Porcelain hens this spring.

This is Remi,  a very nice d'Anver Quail Bantam rooster.

Raised Hen House finished~

Mostly finished the raise Hen house.  Few more things need to be done to it, but its good enough to move the last batch of chicks out of the house.

Double doors on front, one for the birds and the other so I can open and clean the inside.

Crested Cream Legbars seem happy.

For the first time in nearly a year,  there is no playpen in the front room.
First it was for Rose, and then the last batch of chicks.

Now, there are just lots of cat toys and space. LOL Is nice to be able to walk through the living room.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Building a Raised Hen House

DH is making a 8' by 4'  Hen house.

Mostly from scrap material we have laying around.
 Will use it to brood out older chicks that have feathers but still to young to go in the Hen house with the Big hens.
And next spring use it to pair off the chickens I want to raise.

Little over half done. And will need the help of a couple strong backs to move it where it needs to be.

Hopefully we can get it done and out this weekend. 
As much as I love my chickens, I want the last batch out of my house!

Crested Cream Legbar chicks, feathered out enough to go outside.
Once we have a house for them.