Monday, January 28, 2019

Norway and the Realization ~

DH had to go to Norway for a bit.  
Wasn't able to take many photos because he 
was there for work.

Some of the gifts DH brought home,  
different but I love them.

Will not wear this hat around the farm animals and birds though.
Want to keep it nice as long as possible. 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Hat ~

My DS bought this hat for me and I figured it is about time
 to take a photo of me enjoying it.
Tried to get the right side of my face to smile but it wasn't behaving... ah well.
Taken with my old iphone and it was pretty dark out.

The lad does have a good sense of humor. LOL...

Friday, January 11, 2019

Wild Birds~

 Trying again to take photos of the skittish birds... If I stay on the sofa and take photos through the window and 
window screen....

The female Cardinal was busy chowing down.Almost good enough to see the Nuthatch giving me a dirty look before it flew off. 

Then there was two beds~

I put the old cat bed, that is on the right under the xmas tree. That became the new favorite spot for Rose to sleep. Then Mia decided to like that spot too and the squabbles ensued.
So I bought a new bed and the world is now a more 
peaceful place.

Looks like the xmas tree is going to be up for awhile.  
Most likely put some silk flowers in it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Cardinals ~

There is a pair of beautiful Cardinals here.

Have been trying to get a photo of them for awhile now. 
Birds in this area have always been super skittish.
Best I can do, is sit back from the window on the sofa, take the photo through the window, window screen, way over to the tree in front.
Get any closer and I do not see them for awhile. 
Needless to say, is a bit of a challenge.

Really want a nice long distance bird lens !

Friday, January 4, 2019

Air Cleaning Plants~

My Air cleaning plants are slowly getting larger.
Really seem to make a difference in the room were I sleep.

Yes, that is my spinning wheel in the foreground.

The one miniature African violet has produced all 
offspring you see.

Mia and the Bed ~

The new favorite place to sleep. 
Rose is not happy Mia is sleeping in it. LOL...

Yes, I still have my tree up. 
Might buy some silk flowers to go in it.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Mindian Fantails ~

The two young Yellow ribbons tails, both ended up be Males. 
So they will be for sale.

 Silver blue hen
tail feathers have grown back finally but she messes 
them up laying eggs in the eves. 
DH has fixed that issue for me the other day.
The two young Yellow males to the right.

The Tiniest hen, think I will pair her with Theo this spring,
 so she can reduce the offspring's size a little more.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Nari and the Sunshine ~

Saw Nari outside enjoying the winter Sunshine,
 so I decided to take some photos.

She has been a model to a couple of my Cat paintings.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Icelandic Horses ~

When horses are more than an obsession,
they are a way of life.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Hen House netting and Snow ~

The Progression of the Main Hen house netting. 

From no Snow to more and more snow.

Poor hens have been stuffed in that hen house for a few days, as we have had a Falcon problem. 
At least now, the hens can have their yard. 
Though most will not go out into the snow.
Hence my reason for down sizing a bit, at least until spring.

It is not pretty but it should do.

Can see DH in the back area. Snow just starting.

Netting up, DH stripping out the Hen house.

 Not pretty but the Falcon won't be able to get into the yard.

Wells house... AKA winter pigeon loft.

Took the photo from inside the house. 
Wind is whipping the snow about.

Knock on wood, at least it is not a heavy snow! 

Next Morning photos...

Netting for the hen house yard.... chickens are too chicken to come out.... even with the treats I put near the door. 
Think I need to put more straw down, as they hate to walk on snow. 

And the netting is new, so it might take a bit.

Ended up with 8" total but it is melting already.

Cat Name Tags ~

Bought these Tags on Etsy when I purchased, Nari and Mia the new collars, only now just put them on. 

They are much cheaper than the petco ones and much better quality.

Want them to have these, just in case.

Mia is getting quite the pudgy cheeks... lol...   
We kind'a match.  

The metal is so shinny it was reflecting Mia's fur, 
so I had to take a 2nd photo..

Nari of course, was not helpful... she wanted in my lap and would not pose at all. sigh ~~

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Astra and her Offsprng ~

Took the photos through the netting, just did not have the energy to go into their flight cage. Just standing there
 quietly was a challenge for me.
Loved watching them enjoying their bath today.
Astra, the original and mother to them all. 
Mini Indian Fantails.

Far left is Astra, mother to them all. Middle two are from other batches and the far right and front were this years, so still young.

Front, in now dirty bath water is this years. 
She looks like she will be a Yellow like her mother.
One in back, most likely looking at that stupid Falcon, 
is a previous years pied Hen.

This years offspring in the bath, previous years hen in front.
Took the photos through the netting.

Drying off.

Guess it is good I could not show this year. 
The hen I wanted to show, still doesn't have all her 
tail feathers in.