Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mount St Helens

DH and DS enjoying the view of Mt St Helens. Was a beautiful day, it was warm but felt a nice cool breeze coming off the Mountain. OK well in this area, the nice cool breeze could just about knock you off your feet!

Can see the Mountain steaming in the background and the Moonscape around the base. The original valley floor in this area, was 600ft lower than it is now. That is a lot of stuff the Volcano choked out.

Remember you can click on the photos to enlarge them. This is a wider view of the valley floor and the mountain. It is impressive to see in person, just the size and scale of all that went on, is mind boggling.

A wee Chipmunk posing for the camera, on one of the original tree's taken out by the Volcano.

A Lake before we arrived at St Helens. St Helens could be seen to the left of this photo.

Captured a shot of the helicopter flying over the Valley floor. In this area you can see the Ash covering where the river used to be, the guide said it was 200ft above the original Valley floor.

Another river and you can see three Elk walking in the upper right hand corner of this photo.

DH and DS posing for a photo in front of the very long bridge on the way to St Helens.
It was an incredible day.

The weather was perfect for the day's outing. The views spectacular, people friendly. Even had to jump start an older Asian couple's car twice. Glad we were there to help so they didn't get stranded.

Stjarna's first Body clip

Very happy Stjarna, sporting her first Body clip. She did really well.

Stjarna, with Dyfra and Edda in the background. I did not clip Stjarna's legs and could not clip all of her face because I was using my giant clippers. Love how she is still shinny after being clipped.

I think Stjarna's major lack of proper care for all those years by the previous owner and her age, is still causing her not to shed her coat normally. With Stjarna, the fur on her neck was still really long and her body was a little shorter but no where near what I would call normal. No where near slicked out like Dyfra's coat is.
She does seem to be a lot happier not sweating like she was before I clipped her. I did have her tested for Cushings but that was neg.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Maggie, Sheep and Flowers

The lambs have about tripled in size. They are halter training well, super friendly, smart and love to be scratched. I have them in with Maggie now and they all get along well.

Japanese Flowering Cherry....what is left of them at Sunset last night. There are beautiful carpets of petals on the bright green grass.

The weather has been mostly rain, so everything is bright and green, quite beautiful out.
Hoping we get a week of sunshine soon.

Coffee Cake and Strawberries

I have been remiss about showing photos of yummy food. LOL Here is a wonderful Coffee Cake my DS made, served with fresh strawberries. Makes a wonderful breakfast!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nari in Spring

Nari, walking through a lush carpet of bright green grass and flower petals.

Very happy to have good weather and perfect Temps. She even caught a Kangaroo Mouse yesterday and was quite proud of herself.

Rainbow clouds and flowering trees

The Grandmother Crab Apple tree is just loaded with flowers now.

Spring is really here and the Japanese flowering cherry trees are in full bloom finally! And a carpet of petals on the ground. Much more impressive in person though.

So many flowers, that the tree branches are bowing.

We had some rainbow clouds the other day that covered the sky in a narrow band. Sadly the camera had a hard time capturing the colors but I will share the photos any way. If you click on the photo, you can see a larger photo.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Finally a Day of Spring ~

Finally, after a very wet March, April and beginning of May, we had one day of beautiful weather so the Flowering Japanese Cherry tree decided they had better start flowering now.
I love this view.

The Flowering Cherry Tree the evening before during Sunset.

The Japanese Cherry Tree, flowering at the front gate. This is the one I had to cut back drastically because of the snow this past March. So it looks a little rough around the edges but still pretty.

So after our stunning day yesterday, it is back to heavy rain.