Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Trail on the property is looking good~~

 The Swamp.... 

Finally got around to taking some photos of the new path around the property..... even got one of our very own wee swamp....  OK.. we own part of a swamp. LOL

Stjarna was rather zippy that morning, as we hadn't been out for awhile... so taking photos was a challenge.

Can see some of the No Trespassing signs.
Not that people pay attention.

DH, DS and I have been working hard to clear a nice path all away around the property. Nice for walking or riding ones horse.
DH and I like to take lots of walks, usually with Maggie.

Can see different areas of the trail.

Still some snow on the ground in the back.

DH will be adding some more paths soon, as we get the fencing up.
To which, we should be able to order some fencing this Friday.

 DH and DS will be very busy over the rest of the winter.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Home made Pizza ~~

Since meat is so spendy here, I am always looking for ways to stretch it during dinner.
So this time around.....

Home made pizza, crust is from organic flour and made from scratch, so is the sauce, and so on.
Meat, tomatoes, onions and topped with a very good sheep's cheese.

Needless to say, there were no left overs with this giant pizza!

The big snow storm..... ah....

Yes, this is the after math of the big snow storm. A dusting of snow, that turned in to slick ice and frozen ground.
They shut businesses and stopped classes early for this....

Even with the ground frozen solid, Dyfra managed to find some dirt to stick to her coat.
Its almost magical, how she does it. LOL

Frozen water tanks..... which.... hopefully before next winter... we will have a Bar A Bar insulated auto waterier out there instead.
Can see DS cleaning the pasture and Nari making sure he does it right. ;O)

DS is going to college part time, adding classes each semester. At this point, until he knows what he wants to major in, he will be bunking at home. So to help pay for the rent, he is required to do chores.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Yule ~

Tis the season, so we have decided again this year to do a Table Top tree. 
 Is a small spruce that we should be able to plant outside in spring, if I can harden it off properly.
Will take some babying in this climate but I think it will be worth it. 

This year I have also added this stunning wreath, made with NW Doug Fir boughs... it smells so much like Oregon I am keeping it in the house.
As Nothing is better than the sweet smells of a NW Oregon forest!!

If anyone is interested in getting a well made Wreath like this one.. let me know and I will give you Lisa's contact number.

Friday, November 23, 2012

New Trails~~~

This is the house from the back and if you look very close you can see the run in shed to the right... off one of the new trails on the property DH made for me... :O)
Find the terrain here is wild! More hills on this place than I thought we would have.

Trails were made, because I had run into some hunters a few days before when I was riding Dyfra.

Not a good combo... Dyfra, gifted as she is..... it wasn't at all fun. 
One person was on another property, wither the owner knew about it, I have no idea. But the other person and his dog(s)... were clearly on our property.
I saw one drinking Beer... if you can afford Beer... you are only hunting to kill things for fun.
And when they do that... they are putting YOU in more danger. 

I yelled a few times... and I can bellow...
If you don't own the land... F'n stay off it.
Seriously NOT Kosher. 

And a snap of Stjarna on the new trail, which she really enjoyed!!
 She is getting much better with having a camera go off around her!

Did enjoy the ride today, even if it is "Stupid" season.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

We have Pies!

DH, made the above Apple Pie this morning.

I made the Pumpkin Pie yesterday morning.  Made with Almond/Cahsew cream and coconut milk and it turned out really good! 
Yes, we had to try a piece last night, first time using these ingredients. ;O)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Drop Spindle!

Well, bummer... was hoping Fort AP Hill had a spinning Guild meet up. 
But no, they do offer classes during the summer, but no spinners getting together.
Phifle.... even got out my drop spindle.
Something I haven't used in a long while, as I prefer my Majacraft Saxonie.

However, the Saxonie is a bit ackward to move and I do not want to take a chance of damaging it.

Would like to, at some point, buy a Majacraft Rose to use as a traveling wheel.

When I have time, I think I will go check out the Community center over there.
See what it takes to possibly set up, a small spinning Guild!

With all the Rev and Civ re-enactment groups... one would like there are some folks out there that spin too!