Okie dokie....
this is officially the most snow I have seen since
I moved here.
You have to shovel to get any where.
Also very glad, DH and DS are home.... would of taken me half the day to feed and water everyone.
Icelandic's are super happy. LOL
The snow drifts in the round pen, would be at least to my arm pits.
glad the wind scrubbed in front of the hay shed, other wise, that would
of been a bear.
to Maggie was really hard, most places I walked, snow was over my
boots. Maggie's gate, I couldn't get it open, but since it is a self
gate, was able to bend it so I could squeeze in. She was ok.. still had
plenty of food and water.
Glad we have a good snow shovel... DS digging out a much needed path from the hay shed to the main horse pasture.
Thank you DS!
The horses and animals packed the snow down around
their shed. Less work there.
DH will try to get the long driveway opened up to the road.
The plows finally came through, and the snow is piled up at the end of the drive,... would say.. at least to my arm pits. Should be fun.
Wee bit of snow piled up, as DH tries to get in front of the garage doors cleared.
DH trying to get to the road.