Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Snow

Can see why we are not going any where until I can figure out what to do with the branches hanging over the drive way.

Power out last night, off and on for.. seemed like forever, feed back through the lines and I have never heard a Frig Electronically scream, lights over bright in bursts but before I could get to the house's circuit breaker to shut the house off, the power went out.
Look out the windows this morning,we a heavy wet snow and we got 12". Power finally back on this morning bu
t it is flickering, so I not sure how long it will stay on. :P
Not sure if all the electronic stuff is working, will check it all out later, when I know the power is going to stay on.
I have to go to town tomorrow... stupid weather. If this keeps up, will have to change the appointment to get the transmission serviced. sigh ~~

Had to turn the hot wire off, at least until this snow goes away.

Just a shot of the branches. Hopefully no more trees come down, cutting our power.

Mini Horse pasture looking towards the house.

Here the Doug Fir trees look like they are wearing wigs.
Can hear branches coming down around us, even heard a big tree go down in the back woods of the property.
Something I will have to go check out when the weather is better.

Friday, February 25, 2011

More Horse photographs in the snow

Beautiful shot of Edda's face.

Edda, Stjarna and Maggie are Enjoying a Run.

She just had to buck, LOL, look at Dyfra's tail!

I made sure of have DS bring Stjarna back in and Edda decided to follow.

Lots of Snow and action shots of the horses

Edda enjoying the view.

Maggie galloping through deep snow.


Dyfra and Maggie heading for the woods at full gallop.

Dyfra and Stjarna galloping. Can see how deep the snow is.

Dyfra and Stjarna running for the hills.

Blasting through the snow!

Edda spinning, so she can blast off after the other horses.

We ended up with another 3"'s of snow last night and cold as a.... lets just say it was 16* out this morning out of the wind. It has since warmed up to 25* !
Have to admit it is pretty though.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nari and the Snow

Nari really wanted to stay on Dyfra's back but I wanted to go out riding. So she finally figured out the boys shoulders where better than sitting on the snow.

Nari walking towards Dyfra , not all happy about the snow. She wasn't at all cold but she loves laying on a Icelandic horse's back.

You expect me to sit pretty for a picture in this stuff, she seems to be saying.

Lots of snow in February

This is the point of the pasture where DS has his archery target, looking out over the hills this morning.

Night pasture early this morning after feeding the horses. This is before the additional 2 inches of hail balls, that came later on this day.

Driveway, not that one can see it.

Night pasture trees

Night pasture run in shed in the early morning.

Back of the house in the early sunrise.

Maggie in Snow

Pawing the snow to make sure the grass is still there.

Maggie having a gallop through the snow.
Maggie is adorable.

Edda Snow photos

This farm is so beautiful.
Edda is standing down hill.
More snow this morning about 3" originally, then we had a break for a little while.
Mother nature added another 2" of hail balls on top of that and afterwards we had some bright blue sky, so I came out took some photos.

Edda trotting and making a funny face. But it is nice getting some new updated photos of Edda. She is a pretty young horse and wanted to get some better photos of her.

Need to scratch that itch.

Getting some air jumping the ditch.

What is cool, is there is 2" of little hail balls on top of the 2"+ of snow, was fun walking through it.