Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Smithsonian Natural History Museum

On Jan 1st, we decided to take a break from all the work we have been doing at the new place and have a day off.

 I have never been to DC and have always wanted to see one of the Smithsonian Museums. Figured this day, would have the least traffic. 
Pretty nice drive in, however, don't use GPS.... silly thing can't even find the White House, let alone a museum.

DH and DS at the S.M, standing in front of the only good diorama in the place. I guess after being to the Natural History Museum in SF a number of times, that the Smithsonian would be better some how. While not a bad place, it was no where near the quality of the SF one. 

Impressively sized bones...

Oh and if you are handicapped and need a scooter... bring your own. All they have are uncomfortable wheel chairs.

However, I did enjoy the day with the family. 

Have more photos to unload from the other camera's. To which I will post soon.

Blue Birds and DH working

 DH working on the box that will house the electric fence charger, on a nice sunny day. Weather has never been this nice in Oregon, at this time of year.

And we have Blue Birds, lots of them. Another thing we did not have in Oregon. Is fun waiting them flit about.
Have also seen Cardinals flying by, very pretty but very shy.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Tractor

John Deere had a good deal on Tractors and since we have a big need of one....

Had to take a photo with the new Hay Shed in the background.

Figured taking photos now, would be a good thing, because this is the cleanest you will ever see this Tractor. 

Plan on putting it to work after lunch!

DH, really wanted an enclose one, with air conditioning but the cost was just a bit more than we could handle. Would of been nice with the heat we have here but the canopy is a cheaper compromise. Will at least keep the sun off our heads.
Will also make the chores on our new Farm, a lot easier!

Hay Shed Arrived~

Hay Shed

I am very glad the hay shed has finally arrived. Want to Thank Bucky for doing the foundation and being there to make sure the shed was placed where I needed it.
Hay Shed is fairly close to where the horses are, so feeding shouldn't be a problem. 

 More than enough room to put a years worth of hay in, for 3 horse's and a sheep.

 Below you can see the Shed being placed on the blocks.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fencing during the Holiday~

During the 3 day Holiday, Christmas, Yule, what ever you want to call it,  the family did a lot of fencing.

We wanted to get as much done as possible, so the horse's and sheep can finally have a place to run and play.
Being in that round pen this long, is hard on them.

The gates are in, a 6' for use to walk through during feed and so on and a 12', so if I need to use the tractor we will be signing for, hopefully, sometime today,  it will be easy to do work in the pasture.

All that is left to do is build a housing for the Charger, get it plugged in, will be using an extension cord for awhile and get the grounding rods connected. 
As soon as we can do this, the horse's can go into their new home.

We are hoping before next Autumn, we can get power and water too the shed, so it will be much easier to do the chores.
But right now the funds are tapped out.

Slowly we are getting the place set up nicely for both the humans and animals. ;O)

Hallway with Grandmother's Art ~

Grammy is a wonderful Artist and I have a couple of original paintings and a couple of prints on Canvas.

So I decided to put her wonderful Art in the Hallway of our new place, for all to see.
I have one more piece to put up but the frame was damaged.
The blank space on the wall is where it will go.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Art on the Wall and a Beautiful Morning

Image Kind had a 40% off sale on and I wanted to check the quality of their prints, since I haven't done that in awhile.  Do miss the lush green of the old farm, so I love having this on the Wall. It is called, "Time Lost".  Fitting I think.
I also bought the panoramic of Mt St Helens I captured and that came out, very, very well. Will try to get a photo of it soon as DH has his stuff off the mantel. 

This morning I decided to play with my slowly dying camera. Its frustrating me no end and wish Santa would bring me another one, one that works very well, isn't broken and able to do what I want. But until that happens....

This is one of the photos I took, that I liked. The other is on my Art page if anyone wants to take a look. 

Family has been staying busy. Not sure what we are going to do over the Holidays. Most likely continuing to work on the new place.
But we will see. 

It is however, wonderful to have the family all together again!! VBG