Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Well,, Well... oh bother.....

At some point unknown to us, the Well pump decided to give up the ghost last weekend.
We had been running on what little water the tiny pressure tank and hot water tank had.
On the most hot day to date. Not good. 
DH crawled under the house to see if we had any leaking pipes, but everything was fine under there.
Put a call in to the contractor we have been using to fix the myriad of problems this place has.
We finally touched base last night and they came over to pull up the Pump.
Needless to say it was broken.  
So off DH and I went to two different stores to find a new Well Pump. 
They got it fixed up and running for us. 
What a relief if was to have running water again. 
Specially for the horses.
And me... I smiled like a loon, when I could flush the toilet. 

We have a couple of more problems... the Hot Water tank needs to be replaced, as it is only 50 gallons, and I see some issues with it.

Another big problem is, the pressure tank.
Have been told it is only about 25 gallons, and basically only good for a 1 bath house. 
This place has 3 1/2 baths and we use a lot of water.
With that small of a pressure tank.... it is going to make the Well pump work all the time, which will cause it to fail.
There is a bit of a logistical problem in getting a bigger pressure tank...
It is under the house, because of the addition the crawl space is more like a rat maze. The door to the crawl space is small.
Who thought ever it was a good idea to put a pressure tank under the house.. sure wasn't thinking.
DH will have to measure and see if we can get a bigger tank in...
Other wise... we will need to build a small bump out against the house, to house the pressure tank in. Which means more cost and time.

I have to say, I have never, ever been in a house with such poor construction......
By the time we are done, will just about have a new house.

Rainy day photos of Nari

Nari's bored... the rain the News said would arrive... finally arrived.  She is either yawning,  showing me her pretty fangs.... or saying... can you hear me now.. fix the (blank) weather already! LOL

Took a couple more photos to show you she is not all fangs. ;O)
Played with photoshop a little bit.... which one do you like?

Mia and the cube~~

Mia decided dissecting her cube would be a fun game today.  Above we have the sniff..

 Here we have the grab and chomp...

Making sure Sadie would not join in.....

Fruition.... a new peep hole.  That way she can Bop Sadie when she goes by.... LOL

Bird nests, Trees, Bugs and stuff...

I really need to take a close up of the leaves on this tree. They are huge, hand size and larger. Have no idea what species tree it is, will have to look it up some time. 
Is rather a pretty tree.

Swallow nest and just around the corner, there is a Purple finch nest on yet another light.  Looks like we will be baby bird central soon.

One of the many types of bug traps we have on the place. Amount of bugs here, is impressive.

The slow feeder hay bags I finally picked up.  Dyfra is a horse version of a vacuum cleaner.
She will eat her food and just about everyone else's, before anyone else has a chance to have their share. 
So where it would take her about a 1/2 hour to eat one meal, now it takes 4 hours and everyone else can get their fill too.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Up date on the Chickens

 One of the Easter Egger pullets, front and center and the only two chicks that survived the shipment. Those are the two RIR's.
The RIR's are doing quite well and one loves to sit on your shoulders. Could be problem as she gets bigger.... LOL

 I am pretty sure, this Easter Egger in the above and below photos, is going to be a rooster. 
Will see how his temperament is, after he grows up, to whether we eat him or not.

A colorful flock of young chickens. They are enjoying their hen house yard.

Find the chicken?

So Bored~~ the hard life of a cat..

This is Nari, our mighty outside mouser. Except when it rains, or is windy... or she needs a nap, then... she is inside. 
The morning I took these photo's, she kept flipping around on her window seat...

 She would look outside, paw at the window saying she was Bored... humans are suppose to make the weather perfect at all times.

And then I get the look of ... Well... do something about this atrocity, rain is so over rated. LOL

Monday, April 30, 2012

It's greening up here ~

The young Orchard, leafed out.

 Hen House fenced and the trees looking very green.  In the front of the Hen House yard, I planted a Japanese cherry tree, like the beautiful ones we had in Oregon. 
In a few years, it will be stunning.

If you look above the culverts, you can see the next section of fencing going up.

Oak trees leafed out in the back yard area.

Hay Shed and green....

Dyfra and Charming in the horse pasture.

Spindly Oak trees in the horse pasture, at least they will offer some shade.

Another photo of the fencing going up near the road. 
This fencing will keep dogs out, and just in case our animals get loose, keep them from getting hit on the road if they get out.

Last but not least, the run in shed, with the green trees in the back ground.

This area of the country will never be as lush and green as the stunning NW.... but it is now home.
With everything we do here, makes it a good place to live.
One of the perks on living on this side of the country, is the museums, History and being able to see things, like the Discovery Space Shuttle.

And DH having a job he loves is... priceless!