Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shinny Maggie ~~

Maggie was so shinny in the morning sun the other day, I had to take some photos.
Excuse the angle in the above shot, it really does make her backside look big! 

Close up of her face, can see she is getting so many white hairs in her age, she now has a little spot on her forehead. 

Just love the glint in her eye in this photo. She is such an adorable wee horse. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Won a Kindle Fire~~

Can't believe it, someone pinch me... LOL
I won a Kindle Fire.
 First gadget I have owned and now trying to learn how to use it. ;O)

Lots of T&L Storms and then a big one last Friday...

 That was one really big, really impressive storm!

Ya, that was a lot of fun last Friday..... not!  No power for about 18
hours...glad I did not get the food shopping done like I was planning too.
But we are lucky, we know people that still do not have power in this
heat, no good that.
Had a Tornado try to form up by the road but luckily it did touch down.
Did sound like a freight train for awhile and weird how some stuff was
tossed around by the wind, while other stuff wasn't touched
News said there were more deaths and damage from this storm,
compared with the last official Hurricane.
Before this storm, we have had  T&L for a few days before and after
the big one...
One of them even nuked the microwave. Sigh ~~

Swear I am living on another planet.
No photos because most of the storm was a night.

Fly sheets, Fly masks and .......

The Flies are really bad here, so these fly masks keeps the flies out of their eyes and ears, and fly sheets, keeps the flies off the main part of their bodies.
The areas where they are not covered up, I am having to use a lot more fly spray than what I would like, but there is no other recourse right now.  They have to have some relief.
I also have three types of fly traps up and an automatic fly spray device in the shed, so they can have a break when eating.
Have also put out a triple dose of "Fly Predators" for the last three months.
Slowly starting to see results but there are still a lot more biting insects here, than we had in Oregon.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Poultry update~

One of the Golden Comet Hens.

A group of them together. The two lighter ones are Roosters.

This is Red, one of two serving Hens from that ill fated shipment.  She is super sweet, loves attention, sitting on you and being petted.
Which makes it nearly impossible to get a good shot of her.

One of the three roosters, of course I like his coloring the best. He also has nice muff's under his eyes and chin.  
Did not do anything with the photo, he really is that bright!

This rooster seems to be very sweet so far. Very gentle, loves attention and sitting on your arm. As long as he stays sweet, he can stay.

DS has spent a lot of time taming them down, to which I am grateful.  Gentle easy going chickens are just a lot easier to deal with.

They are nearly big enough, to be able to finally run around the house and eat bugs for us.
Granted, will have to deal with chicken manure in places but worth it to have less bugs.

Lamb's Pasture~

Caspian and Charming, spend the day time, in the new sheep pasture.  At night they are in with the horses and goats.
Their shelter is just there for some shade, simple, but it works.

Another part of the lamb's pasture.  Down towards the bottom area, where the ground stays fairly wet, I have planted a Willow tree. In time this will become big enough to offer more shade.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A new Water Tank and it's so hot out you can.....

Yup, today is hot, really hot. 100* and 100% humidity, which makes it feel even hotter.
Even the wee wild birds are  having issues. This is one of the Swallow's that is nesting over one of our light,s on the side of the house. He/She is panting to beat the band and has their wing and tail feather's fanned in hopes of cooling off.
I really need to buy a water bath for the birds.

We had the Hot water tank we bought a couple of days ago, put in yesterday. Didn't go as smoothly as I would of liked but it is done.
Will be nice to have 80 gallons of hot water when we need it!
The old tank, was starting to leak, as I thought. So while I hate spending money, this was a good thing to do and cheaper in the long run.

The family will be staying in the A/C, except, for feeding and caring for the animals.  It will be a longggg summer to be sure.