Tuesday, October 15, 2013


 Had to body clip the Icelandic's a few weeks ago, as the weather was still super hot.
Think of wearing a real fur coat, with long johns in 90* weather.....

Then we ended up with rain, since last weds. So I put a rain sheet on Dyfra for the worse of it.
Photo was taken last night, when the rain stopped and the sun came out.

Stjarna, right after being let loose after her body clipping.

Poultry ...

The newest batch of baby chicks, not so small now, were let outside of the Hen House yard yesterday for the first time.
Keeping my fingers crossed they stay in the fence around the house.  They are Buff Orphingtons, Speckled Sussex and Welsummers and the later for their super dark brown eggs.

Mean while... the older Hens are Molting. LOL Poor thing.

And a Couple of the Turkeys.,..
They are a lot of fun to have around.  They think they are people.... LOL
Still not sure if I have all hens or not? They are about 5 months old and still haven't heard a Gobble out of any of them.

Sunrise, the Moon and French Flowers....

Not sure I told you, but last month I ran across some Rose bushes that were only $6.00. I bought two of them.
One was a French variety of very hard Tea Rose.  Plant is doing very well and the Roses are beautiful.
Nice to have Roses in the house again.

Not sure how I did it, but I managed to get my not so good camera, to take this photo of a very, very large moon., one night. 
Even caught a star just above the upper right side, though I am not sure you can see it, sized down as the photo is.

A Sunrise, early one morning in Oct..... 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Turkeys...... sigh ~~

Forget Turkey's in the straw, how about Turkey's on the roof.  They love people, and when really happy, bark like puppies. LOL
Right now, we have one female for sure.... one male and can't tell with the other.

And the men of the house... have named them, Patrick, Sponge Bob and Sandy.
(rolling eyes) 

Obama care... not a good thing, not at these prices...

DS needs health insurance.
 So I go onto Healcare.Gov.. and check what the price is.
He makes nothing right now, but has been looking for a job. There is no Medicaid in this State, so that means private.
 Going by their online scale... if DS, makes nothing a year, at the basic health care, he needs to cough up... $197+ a month.
That is crazy. 
He is too old to be on our military insurance. 
This is beyond stupid. 
Thought this was going to help, not make it harder on us. Sigh ~~

We really, really need another small commuter car, but now, that is off the table. 
Letting DS use the Echo, while his father gets another little car, would allow DS to expand his search for a job.
Because here in VA, if you are not related to someone, it is very, very hard to get a job.

Not a happy camper.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mia and College... Mia and the Turkeys...

Looked into DS's room this morning as he was getting ready for College and saw this.....
Mia laying on his book bag.  She might be thinking if she lays on it he won't go any where or
he might take her with him.
Either way, she is not impressed with him being gone during the day.

Having to feed the turkeys on the front porch for now... they decided to look in and Mia was looking at them, then would look at me and then look at the turkeys again...
Almost feel her asking me....  "What the hell are those?" LOL

And people say Dinosaurs are gone.... ha! 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Spinning Yarn~

Wasn't sure if I should post this here or my Art blog. Decided, I mostly spin yarn for fun, I would place it here.
This is my new giant ply bobbin and flyer.  Have been waiting for years to be able to purchase it.
Will allow me to do full skeins, instead of the two I used to do.

Asked DS to take a photo of me spinning some yarn today, as I haven't done this in a few years. Would of been better if I did my hair up and such... but it is what it is... LOL Am getting old!

My Spinning corner, next to the window.