Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Beautiful Flowers~

DH bought me some beautiful flowers.  So many in fact, I could fill up two Vases!  :O)

Big Hens~~~

Can't leave out the Big Hens.
The Buff Orpington above....  was complaining at me, because I was disturbing her very important bug hunting.
Like... Go away human, you are bothering me. LOL

One of the beautiful Welsumer hens.  Really love their very dark, almost Chocolate looking dark brown eggs.

Bantam chicks are growing up~

Wanted some photos of the Porcelain d'Uccle chicks, but it wasn't in the cards.
However, the Lavender Americana Bantams and Quails, did want their photos taken.

Above is a Lavender and a d'Anver Quail.
Quails are a couple weeks younger.

Lavenders again,,,  getting their first real feathers and wanting their photos taken. LOL

Lavender and Porcelains. The Lavenders have the dark beaks and clean legs.

The Quail  Antwerp d'Anvers.  Trying to give me Actions shots.

Has been very hot here, so I get them frozen water bottles. 
They love this and sit all around it to cool off.

Having a lot of fun with them.
They are still so tiny, will be awhile before I can put them in with the large Hens.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Chicks are doing well~~

The chicks were growing up fast in their giant carrier, that we put in the guest bathroom.
 While the Quails, aren't as far along as the others, we needed to put them out in the Tack room.... so they would have more room to roam.
They looked sooo big in the house,,, but out here in the shed..they are very tiny!

Was a bit worried about the night temps but they seem to be doing ok.

As it heats up, am going to have to put frozen gallon jugs in there so they can cool off.

Above are the little Quail Antwerps.... they love meeting me at the door, because they want treats! LOL

What greets me, the minute I walk into the tack room.
Try taking a photo one handed.  :O)

One part of the shed, with the Quails, Porcelains d'Uccles and Lavender Bantam Americana's.
Well and the Cochin Photo bomb up front.

Quails playing Queen of the hill.

Lavenders looking scruffy as they grow in their real feathers.

The Lone Cochin.... I think its going to be a Rooster.... 

New Mini ~

New mare..... a Buddy for Maggie.

Both her and Maggie were groomed up and fly sprayed, this morning.
New mare wasn't sure about it, but I think she will figure it out fast.
She did love being groomed. 

She is happily eating breakfast this morning

Fixing the Hail damage~

Sanders Construction, who is also a good neighbor, is working on, getting the hail damaged fixed.
We have a long list of things to be done and they are doing a great job.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Biscuit and Sunflowers~

Home made Biscuit Breakfast made by DH. Doesn't it look good?!

Had two Sunflowers growing in the Hen house yard, before the Hail storm. Now there is only one.
Can see the damage to the leaves due to the hail. 
Still is a beautiful and cheerful flower.