Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Kitchen Garden and the great things that come from it!

Lets see... Spring Peas are all but done.. have a lot stored now..though not quite as much as I was hoping for. So planted some more pea seeds.
Carrots, beans, corn and broccoli doing very well. Pumpkin is taking over the garden. Tomatos, peppers and egg plant are growing but nothing ripe yet. Still waiting on the potato plants to flower. Need to replant spinach, lettuce and such for the fall garden.

Wax beans and Green beans underneth.

Pumpkin plant taking over this bed. Corn is taller than it looks and you can see the carrot tops peeking out from under the Vines.
Tomato plants setting fruit and a row of carrots on the side.

All grown Organically.