Thursday, December 11, 2008

African Vilolets and Other things

Thought I would throw in a photo of one of my loafs of bread, can't you just smell the goodness?!!

Here is my AV called Lemon Kiss.

Rob's Combustible Pigeon has finally bloomed, it is a mini AV. Yes, that is really the flowers name.
DH will be writing "The adventures of making a new Well House cover" sometime this weekend. Sorry, no hints for now.
Looks like we will be having our first snow storm this weekend,, If the news is correct. So far this winter has been unseasonably warm up here in the Hills. Will be nice to see a little white stuff.
Will not have a Yule Tree in the house this year. Having three young cats, has a lot to do with it. One would just play with the ornaments, the other would take what ever she could reach and put it the behind DS bedroom door, leaving none on the tree you get the idea. Christmas will be low key because DH contract job is coming to an end.
We do have a side of beef in the freezer and stocked up with the basic dry stuff. Animals are all set with a years supply of food and things they need. Is very nice to have the food and basic supply dealt with.
DS is finally out of his braces and using a Retainer. He is working on the MIT open college courses for Mechanical Engineering. At least he is doing some college courses because,right now, the local college is not doing student loans.
Have a number of friends that have had to quit college due to the lack of loans. Hopefully the economy will pick up by summer.

Am still painting, right now working on the Sleeping Mia Pen & Ink with watercolor wash. Also creating some Digital Abstracts. Would never say this to other Artists but it is a lot like Adult finger painting,, lots of fun with color, depth and shapes.