DS going out to do a burn for me. Of course Nari has to help and rode on DS's shoulders all the way out to the burn pile. Nari loves going everywhere with DS and helping him out!
Down in the Valley area's, it has been full spring for a few weeks. Up here in the hills, we are not quite there yet. This is the first spring flower we have blooming. The Japanese cherry trees are no where near blooming yet.March was extremely wet, in fact the most rain I have ever seen here and April isn't starting out any better.
The next hill over, the one we named "Rainbow Hill" doesn't disappoint. All we need is a little rain, no problem there and a bit of sunshine and we always get a rainbow, this one is a large double!Above is the close up and below, can see the double.
Let's talk spring!!!! I have 3 inches of new snow today, LOL!!! You have summer compared to me!!!!!
Chris :o)
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