Friday, May 25, 2018

Indian Fantails ~

As you know, when I was first having breathing issues, was recommended by one of the doctors, that I re home my birds. Not knowing what was going on, I did.

Fast forward to now,  with all the tests coming up Neg, I decided to have some Indian Fantails again.
All hens, and do not plan on raising them any more.

Love watching them in their outside flight cage.

The Silver hen's tail was cut by the breeder I bought 
them from, will grow back in time.

Peonies and Goats ~

Love looking out and seeing the beautiful peonies out of 
my kitchen window.

Decided to pick up the other doe and doeling, 
so that makes it 5 new pasture mowers.
Will save me a lot of work in the long run.
And I love watching them eat.

Blossom thinks she is a lap goat, 
blink once and there she is looking you in the eyes.
Good thing she is smaller than a cat.

April was born on April fools day. 

Part of the horse pasture.  
Love trees and being around them.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Peonys and the storm ~

Fairly bad storm last night, power outage for 14 hours , place is a bit of a mess but everyone is safe.

Woke up this morning to my Peonies totally flatted, some stems broken. 
What is wild, is a chair on the other side of the yard was not touched.

Managed to get most of the flowers back into their supports this morning.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother Days Lawn mowers~

 Meet the new horse pasture mowers.

Only planned on buying the wether for Syd, as he lost his brother awhile back. But they had this old girl and her doeling. So I ended up getting all 3 for mothers day.

Is almost funny, I have been looking for a buddy for Syd for a year and never found what I was looking for.
Needed Dehorned, withered and well enough handled they would be easy to deal with. Small so they can't knock me around.
Mother's day morning, these popped up.

Also need help with keeping the horse pasture grass and such down, just can't add more mowing to my list of chores.

De-wormed and debugged them when I got them home, so their coats will improve. 
Tiny goats will not be any more work and they are easy to care for.

They are super, super friendly, do not mind being picked up, just over all cute.

(If I had the money I would of bought the other Doe and her Doeling)

 Doeling is tiny, smaller than a cat and super friendly.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Peonies and Japanese Maple

 Peonies are doing well after their move to pots.

 Do plan to put them all in Whiskey Barrels by next spring.

The oldest Peony, started out with 14 flower buds, now has double that.
Having them really close to the house, means I will be able to care for them much better and enjoy their beauty. Specially since I had a very hard time last summer dealing with the heat and humidity.   Love gardening and won't give it up. 

Wasps have taken to hanging around the flower buds, need to watch where I put my hands.

New Japanese Maple, this one is supposed to handle the direct sun but time will tell. 
Hoping it will offer some shade in the future.

Form is not the best but will work on it as it grows.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Moved the Peonies ~

Needless to say, my Peonies did not do well. 
So DH dug them up and DS helped me put them in pots. They are close to the house now and will be easier for me to care for them.

Hopefully the Peonies will flower this summer.
Added some bulbs and will add more cascading plants to soften the over all effect.

Hopefully next spring I will move them into Whiskey Barrels. The plastic pots will do for now.

 DH loves bright flowers.  
Plan on looking for a bit of Log to use as a stand 
instead of the bucket.

Pear tree is going all out this year. 
Hopefully we will be able to pick some pears before the crows eat them all this summer.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Snow in March ~~

 Wet sticky snow in March.
Gold finches are just starting to turn color.

POP goes the......   bird.  LOL

Stopped on the road to take a couple of pictures, on the way home from yet another Doctors appointment.
Have no issues at all driving in this kind of weather. 
Nice plus is there were very few people on the road to deal with.
Was very beautiful out and I had the biggest smile on my face.

Pond in-between the tree branches.

Air Museum ~

Went to the Udvar-Hazy Air Museum last Feb.

Above and below are photos of the 
Boeing S-307 Stratoliner Clipper Flying Cloud.
Very elegant aircraft.

Can see other planes in the mirror finish.

Prospective on how big the space shuttle Discovery is. There is a number of feet between
 DH's hand and the underside.

And what I went to the Air Museum for.  
She is in tatters at this point.
The flying pick up truck- Sikorsky JRS-1

The JRS-1 is one of only three airplanes still in existence that was at Pearl Harbor during the attack.

 Plane coming into Land.

 Seeing the Discovery never gets old.

Friday, February 23, 2018

New Archery Target ~

DH finally built my new Archery target and I love it.  
And so everyone knows I have a small farm, 
bailing twine was used to hang it up. LOL

Going to keep shooting no matter what !

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Flowers and new plants~

 Beautiful Birthday Flowers DH gave me.

Went to Lowes yesterday and they had 
some plants for $1.00.  
I could not help myself. LOL
Ended up with a Mini Orchid, will have to learn how to care for it.

Couple of the new house plants.

Running out of room on the table where I keep my
 Air cleaning plants.