Saturday, July 7, 2018

Indian Fantails return home~

My Indian Fantails return Home.
Theo and Astra above.

Theo and Astra in the middle,  hen offspring on either side.
Will keep them in until their feet heal.
They have a 32" long outside flight cage for future use.

 Sadly, Theo lost a foot while he was away.
Have his leg in a padded blue wrap.

Think he enjoys being home again.

Same Kite hen, slightly different lighting. She has meds on her feet and she lost a number of lower tail feathers.
Photos do not do her justice.

The photo below, is before this youngster left home. 
Her tail has been cut, so will get a current photo of her 
once she molts out.

Below are a couple of the hens I bought from another breeder, when I missed having my pigeons.
Next 3 photos are of Theo's sister.

One below is super tiny...
Not sure if I am going to raise Mindian fantails again, just depends on how it goes with my health.
But at least I can enjoy being with and watching them again.
Also have a Silver hen but I am going to wait until her tail grows out to take a photo of her..

Who knows, maybe I can get a Doctor to take me seriously one day. Figure out what needs to be done, so I can finally show my birds.

Beautiful Roses ~

Beautiful flowers DH bought me... I love Lavender Roses!

Think the only way I could grow Roses like I did in WA and in Oregon, is have a totally temperature controlled green house.
Maybe some day.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Napoleon Exhibit~

Yesterday, I went to the Fine Art museum to see the Napoleon exhibit. 

The Art was just stunning, seriously, the paintings were beyond impressive.

Went as soon as it opened, the elevator that normally takes people down to that level did not work.
So had to use the other one... and we pretty much had about 3/4's of the gallery all to ourselves! That was a real treat!!

Everyone was very kind, even had a gentleman that worked there walk the tickets up to the front for us.

I used the New to me iphone SE camera, no flash.... rather impressed with its camera.

Impossible to catch the incredible detail in these works 
of Art.

The super fine detail in this painting was breath taking.

Painting above is of George Washington.

Napoleon above and one of the hats he wore below.

The carving was just.... well... no words.

If you are in the Richmond VA area I would highly recommend seeing this exhibit.

Saturday, June 23, 2018


My little misfit discount $1.00 Orchid is doing well
 and setting out a 2nd set of blooms.
Might need to search for a few more.

Waterfall Spider web~

Waterfall Spider web cascading down from the 
spent pansy's to my Japaneses Maple.
(photo was taken through the dirty window.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Baby Birds~

The House Finches nested late this year and laid 5 eggs.
 Has been a few weeks since I could check up on them 
and they are basically feathered out.

Feel seriously guilty that I disturbed them.

And the Look I received.
 Did put this little one back in the nest, the other 4, 
lets just say did not need my help.

New Power Pole ~

Used to be a wooden power pole much shorter than the trees, and we did not see it. 
Two days ago, they put this up......

It is seriously tall..... and ugly. 
Why couldn't they make it look like a tree or something......

Saturday, June 16, 2018

House and Garden ~

DH wanted to have a kitchen Garden this year.
 So I grew out some starts for him.

I can no longer do anything in the garden but I did plant the starts, which about did me in.

Rather rustic but pleasing to look at. 
Sunflowers are very cheerful... 
will have to plant more next year.

Rosa Rugosas are about the only Rose I can grow that can handle the extremes in climate here. Growing them as a hedge to help protect the kitchen garden.

Looking through the potatoes to the Hay shed.

 Various angles of the house and Garden.

Bought a few Pullets ~

As you know, I need a certain number of hens to 
keep a tick free area
 around the house and pastures.
Not up to raising chicks out right now, 
like I would normally do.

So a local farm that has good stock, had some pullets for sale.
Should only take a week to get them used to the place and integrated with the main flock.

The red mottled ones are called ,"Calico Princess". 
Never heard of that breed before.
Others are just Dark Brahmas.

 I really want more Marans but that has to wait until
 I can find some.

Stjarna and Her Goats

My Icelandic mare Stjarna, enjoying breakfast with 
her Goats.

April had to come see what I was doing.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Stjarna and the Goats ~

Stjarna prefers the female goats as buddies,
 over the boys.
Photos taken through the house windows.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Westmoreland Beach ~

Went to the Westmoreland park Potomic river beach  yesterday. 
Was not able to walk long but I did enjoy the time there. 
Nice to drive down a steep hill and loved the trees. 

Not used to how muddy the Rivers are here.

Need a better zoom lens, there were some interesting flowering bushes in the under-story.