Friday, November 30, 2018

In Harmony ~


I almost sat on Stjarna the other morning, 
no helmet, no vest, no saddle or bridle....  

I was soooo tempted.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Putz Moving Day ~

Finally moved Putz into the living room, 
so she can see us more.
DH did most of the work....
Still need to tidy the cords up.

Was thinking of hanging a Boston Fern in the corner to 
give it a more of a Forest jungle feel.

Going to have to swap where the Holiday Tree and 
Cat tower are, next..... for obvious reasons.

(The Print you see on the wall is one of my Cottage paintings)

Friday, November 23, 2018

New Collars for Nari and Mia ~

Bought Nari a pretty Sunflower collar.

Bought Mia a pretty handmade ribbon one, 
from the UK.
I bought both off Etsy and are break away collars.

The Tree and Kindle fire ~

Had a little energy the other night, with the cats happily trying to help.
Managed to put some of the ornaments up, many are handmade or gifts from friends and family.
Still a ways to go.

Also miss having a real fireplace.
What you see in the background is one of those
indoor vented propane ones.
Had it checked over but I can not breath at all when it is on and afraid it will hurt the cats so we do not use it.

So I thought to myself... wonder if Kindle has a Fire place App.  LOL... yes they do, sounds pretty good too.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Putz and the Treat ~

Putz really liked the treat I got her.... LOL.....  
tried to clean her tiny face off and every time I try, 
Poof goes her head into her shell.

Will have to give her a bath later today.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Succulents ~

DH loves succulents, so he picked some baby ones
out, well over a month ago.
This morning, I was going to pot them up no matter what.
Almost look like they should be in a Dr Seuss book.

Still have a little fine tuning to do, move the rocks around 
and such.
Pulse only went to 169 standing there for about 10 minutes but its better than it could be. 

Will need to use a tiny paint brush to brush the dirt off 
the soft fuzzy leaves.

Holiday Tree and Rose ~~

Gave up trying to find the old tree skirt, so bought a new one.
Keep the lights on most of the time because they bring a
 big smile to my face.
Still need to put ornaments up.

Think I left Rose plugged in to long. LOL

She approves and decided it is a great place to take a bath.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Christmas tree ~

We have not put up a Holiday tree in years.
This year, I wanted to do something.

Asked friends and family about fake trees and was surprise how many have them. 

Pretty fast and easy to assemble but takes a lot of time to fluff up the branches so to speak.

Not as full as I was hoping for, sure a little more time moving branches around will help.
Over the next couple of weeks, will put the hand made ornaments up.
Does put a big smile on my face.  :O)

Trees and plants ~

 I was good when DH took me to the Nursery plant sale this morning. 
Super great deals too.
This year is a little more special... my once a year half price tree, turned into 2 trees and a few other plants!

1 male ginkgo tree, 1 Rose bush, 1 Clematis,1 Japanese anemone, 2 wintergreen plants and a Fiddle leaf fig for my Art room.

Was hard, because soooo many other plants wanted to come home with me. LOL....

 Still need to get the outside ones planted, 
but DH has to do that.  :)

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Japanese Maple~

Once a year in Nov, I buy a half price tree.

Last year it was a Birch that could take the heat.

This year... another Japanese maple. Same kind as I bought when I first arrived here, just in a different form.

We are still not sure if we will remodel this place or have a place built so it is easier for me to deal with.

Figure, I could take the Japanese maples with me,
 if we move.

New tree left, the one I bought about 6 years ago on the right.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Winterizing the Peonies ~

My DH and DS brought the Peonies from my Garden and put them in pots near the house so I could enjoy them last spring.

The winter wind here is strong and biting, easily killing plants.  To protect them in their pots, DH put them next to the house with bales of straw.
Once the first hard frost arrives, the top bales will be laid over the top until spring.

Indian Fantails set for winter ~

 Indian Fantails in their winter house...
 They are going through molt, so looking scruffy.

Hopefully I will catch them in their flight cages outside soon, so I can take better photos.

Kind'a of funny, I walked in... and I get.. oh its just you and you do not have treats... rather like being ignored by feathered cats. LOL...

One this years offspring, giving me the , eye...

Dark Hen to the left is one of the ones I really wanted to
show Nov 3rd. 

Hopefully I will be able to show her next year.

The 3 small Mini Indian Fantail Hens I bought from James... super scruffy from going through the Molt.

The Wells House Loft.
We do not get much color in this area of VA...
Just a tiny hint.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Art Desk is Freed ~

My Art Desk became my Med Desk for over a year.

Figured I might want to clean it up before the surgery.

That way, maybe, just maybe, I can work on the paintings that have been sitting around for awhile.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Archery ~

These photos are from last year.

Have not been able to do any Archery over the summer, because of the heat.
Today, was the first day that was cool enough I 
could give it a try.

Was only able to do 7 rounds of 8 arrows.
Not able to do the hours of Archery any more,
but I am happy I can still do it.
Shoot with a 35lb Horse bow, at only 20 yards. 
The bow is easy to pull and does not stack.
(back when, a 55 to 65lb bow was the norm and I shot at 100 yards)

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Pumpkin Pie ~

 Decided to try to make a pumpkin pie yesterday afternoon.
DH found some gluten free pie crusts at Wegmans, only 10mg of salt, was surprised by that.
Normally he would make the pie crusts
Used a combo of Almond milk and thick goat milk kefir. 
Used half the sugar but I think next time, will use 
brown sugar instead of white.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Putz goes for a Walk ~

Infant Putz, 
has become bored with her inside cage,
 so when I can,
I like to take her outside so she can explore.

Surprising how fast she can be for such a tiny creature.

Photos taken with my cell phone.

More young Indian Fantail photos~

 You know how everyone takes beautiful side 
photos of their young Fantails....

Well, mine had different ideas. LOL....
Pretty much feathered out now.

Love my Mini Indian Fantails !
Think both will be Ribbon tails.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Mini Indian Fantails growing up ~

The two baby mini fantails are nearly feathered out.
Astra, their mother is in the middle in the photo above and to the right in the photo below.

Color seems to change depending on, wither I take the photo in natural sunlight or camera flash.

They both the offspring are going to be Ribbon tails.

The above photo is more true to the their colors.

Tortoise Garden ~

Few days ago, I finally was able to tame and clean up the Baby Tortoise garden.

Have been trying to grow Dandelions for her to eat but I am not able to keep them alive.
Think it might because they have very long tap roots like baby trees do and my pots are too shallow?
Never knew this weed could be such a challenge to grow inside. 

This morning, I went ahead and added seeds to the empty pots.
Trying the Hawkbit dandelion seeds again, and various other tortoise safe greens.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Mindian Fantail babys~

Interesting that they seem to change colors 
depending on the light. 
One in my hand is in natural light from the window, the other two photos are with my flash. 
Shed floor is darker than it looks in the pictures.
They are Mini Indian Fantails.

The one on the right side of the photo, is the one I am 
holding in the photo above.

They look to be the same color with natural light.
Normally my original pair, throws different color offspring each time.