Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Maggie and I ~

Selfies are not my thing but I figured I would take one today.  Just used the Cell phone camera,
 as I did not want to drop my good one again.

Maggie is doing a lot better, now that we have a new Farrier.
We are both Gimpy and old...  but still enjoy each others company.

Maggie wanted to go for a much longer walk but we will have to try another time.

Will see how we are both doing next spring, and then, maybe will go shopping for a cart.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Broken Toe and Hens ~

Broken Toe has been a good rooster, though I do wish the hens would stop grooming his once full beard and muffs.
He is with just a few of his favorites in this photo.

Rest of them are patrolling the place for bugs.

They are outstanding at keeping around the house and two most close pastures free of ticks.

House Finch chicks ~

Saw that the Mother finch was off getting food, so I decided to sneak a peak at the chicks.
Looks like 4 out of the 5 eggs hatched so far.
Almost looks like their are two different breeds of birds in the nest.
Time will tell.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Hatching Finches and a Pear Tree ~

Tried to get a photo as quickly as possible of the 
baby Finches just starting to hatch.

Must of done some pretty good damage to my camera when I dropped it. Half the settings will no longer work and when I use the center focus... it just won't focus correctly. 

Pear tree we planted the first spring after we arrived.
 Have quite a few pears on it this year.
Managed to get a few before the birds eat them all.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Birds ~

The view through my kitchen window, poultry and pigeons.
Have a nice comfy chair, so I can sit and watch them.
(blurry thing in the upper photo is the cat's window bed, as they like watching birds too)

2nd batch of 5 eggs.... think the House finches are 
over achievers. 
They still have their first 5 offspring following them around asking for food.
Should be quite interesting when the 2nd batch of babies hatch and leave the nest.
If they all hatch, they will have 10 children following them around. LOL....
Not great photos, had arm weakness and fine motor tremors.

And right by the kitchen door, we have some more

 baby birds.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Icelandic Horse photos~

Dyfra and I back in NW Oregon riding the beautiful farm and woodlands we had there.
Goodness I miss riding and I miss Dyfra a lot too.

Above photo is part of the hay field we had, below, some of the beautiful and peaceful forest we loved to ride through.

Unlike Dyfra, Stjarna was never fond of me taking photos while riding...   as you can see by her ears.

This photo is on the property in Virginia the first year we arrived. Can see the house in the distance.

I had to send Dyfra north, awhile back. She did not handle moving to VA well, she ended up with Heaves and allergies, so bad, that 3 meds were not keeping it under control. So instead of losing her, I sent her away.
That was extremely difficult but it was best for her.

She has been doing well in her new home and has no more horse asthma or allergies.

Still have Stjarna,  she doesn't mind the heat so much and so far, knock on wood, no allergy issues to this State.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Butterflies ~

There are not as many Butterflies or even Dragonflies this year. Not sure why, other than the weather has been 
rather odd.
Managed to get a photo of one of the few Butterflies that are enjoying some flowers.